Notice of Annual General Meeting 2022

Oslo, Norway (May 11, 2022) - The Board of Directors hereby calls for an Annual General Meeting to be held in Airthings ASA (the "Company") on Wednesday May 25, 2022 at 10:00am Norwegian time in the offices of Airthings at Wergelandsveien 7, 0167 Oslo.

The Company today announced the proposed election of Geir Førre as Chairman of the Board at the General Meeting, and the proposed election of Aksel Lund Svindal as Board member. The internal change of roles within the Board reflects changes in other working commitments for both Førre and Svindal.

Førre and Svindal have both worked closely with CEO Øyvind Birkenes over the past year, and this collaboration will continue.

Geir Førre controls 15.7% of the shares in Airthings through Firda Holding AS.

Regarding the Annual General Meeting, shareholders may provide votes prior to the AGM by submission of a proxy. Proxy forms are attached to the calling notice.

The Company has also arranged for shareholders to be able to call in to the AGM and as such participate in the meeting and have the possibility to raise questions to the Company's representatives. Votes cannot be cast by phone. Call-in details are given in the attached calling notice.

Attendance and proxy forms attached to the calling notice must be received no later than 16.00 p.m. (CET) Tuesday, May 24, 2022.

The Board of Directors' report and the annual accounts, together with the auditor's report for 2021, are contained in the annual report and are available at:

For any questions, please contact:

Nora Perez
Head of PR 

Investor relations contact

Jeremy Gerst

Lauren Pedersen

Øyvind Birkenes