IR Policies

Airthings’ communication with our shareholders is a high priority to us, with the aim to always have an open dialogue with the financial market. Our objective is to make sure that the market is well informed, in order to ensure that the pricing of the Airthings’ share reflects its true value. This is done through annual and quarterly reports and presentations, immediate reporting of important events through timely announcements to the market, investor meetings and compliance with the Oslo Børs Code of Practice for IR of 1 July 2019.


Our investor relations work is targeted towards all financial market stakeholders in general, and the owners of Airthings shares in particular, with the aim to provide access to correct and consistent information about Airthings. To us, the IR function is important in building investor loyalty and ensuring that we remain well aware of the financial market’s expectations and need for information.

When carried out well, the IR function will help us attract new investors, while at the same time securing accurate coverage among market analysts and the financial press


Communications relating to Airthings' financial and operational development, strategy, acquisitions, agreements etc. is conducted by Airthings' CEO, Øyvind Birkenes.


The primary language used in investor- and shareholder communication is English, but Norwegian could also be used in certain instances. For formal information, such as stock exchange notices, they will be published in English as a minimum.

Sensitive information

In order to build trust and a strong reputation for Airthings in the financial market, we have implemented robust processes for handling all types of sensitive information. Therefore, measures have been taken so that no sensitive information is lost or becomes known at the wrong time. For updated insider list, please see the Oslo Børs website:

The strict rules for the handling of sensitive information apply to all employees of Airthings, at all locations, including employees of Airthings' subsidiaries.

Interim reports

The date for interim reporting is to be made available in the Financial Calendar on and on Once an interim report has been approved by the Board, the rules and regulations on financial reporting stipulate that the report must be published immediately.

Airthings shall publish correct and consistent information on the company's results, strategy and development (for example on a Capital Markets Day). The distribution of the information on the company’s performance is intended to place our current and future shareholders in a well-informed position. From this position, they should be able to make a well-founded decision on the acquisition or sale of the Airthings stock.

Reporting of financial information follows the framework set out by the Norwegian Securities and Trading Act, and Oslo Stock Exchange’s rules for listed companies. In addition, Airthings follows the Oslo Stock Exchange Code of Practice for IR, as well as the current financial market practice for investor and shareholder information.

Results reporting

The interim report with attached announcements and presentations should be published no later than 08:00am on the following trading day. Quarterly results reporting should take the form of open presentations, either physically or via webcast, primarily held for shareholders, investors and analysts. Other stakeholders and interested parties, such as the financial press, are also welcomed to attend these presentations.

Notices to the Oslo Stock Exchange

Notices to the Oslo Stock Exchange are mainly related to the company's operational and strategic activities. The IR function should at all times contribute to increase the understanding of Airthings' strategic and financial position. All matters with a possible impact on Airthings' share price and future development are to be published and be made available to the financial market as soon as possible. This means that after the information has been approved by all relevant parties, it is to be made available to the market instantly. In cases where special considerations have to be made, the Board of Airthings will make the decision on publication of such information in a compliant dialogue with the Oslo Stock Exchange.

Airthings does not comment on rumours.

Silent periods

In the three weeks prior to the distribution and publication of company results, no meetings with shareholders, investors or analysts are held. Airthings also has the right to put into effect Silent periods in connection with other corporate events. In Silent periods, no comments are given to other stakeholders, such as the press, on Airthings' financial results and future development.

Distribution of information

Airthings' communications are based on openness and we respect the requirement for equal treatment of all shareholders.

Relevant information is published on Airthings’ investor relations pages on, in addition to the mandatory distribution channels of Merkur Market and the Oslo Stock Exchange. Airthings' IR function will also make it possible for stakeholders to subscribe to Airthings' stock exchange notices and press releases. All information that is sent directly to Airthings' stakeholders is also made available at the same time on the Airthings’ website.

Capital Markets Day

Airthings might conduct a capital markets day, when considered appropriate. Such activity is intended to update the market on the company's strategy and development. Capital market days are open for all stakeholders who wish to attend after registering, and the presentations will also be made available on

Social media

Any information that may have an impact on Airthings’ share price will not be published via social media channels until it first has been published via the Oslo Stock Exchange and on Airthings' web page. Any information published on SoMe-channels will be of such content that it will not be misleading.

For more information regarding the Oslo Stock Exchange Code of Practice for IR, please follow the external link below:

Investor relations contact

Magnus Bekkelund

Interim CFO
Evelien Jacobs

Press contact