What are

We spend 90% of our time indoors


Good indoor air quality directly affects the health and comfort of building occupants. Understanding and controlling common contaminants indoors can help reduce your risk of air quality health concerns. Contaminants or pollutants cause the air you breathe to become unhealthy. Ventilation, inhabitants, use of space and household items all contribute to indoor air quality.


Understand your indoor air quality by monitoring 7 important contaminants:



Decrease exposure to this odorless, radioactive gas found in all buildings and homes. It is the number one cause of lung ­cancer amongst non-smokers but can be managed with long-term, continuous monitoring.



Particulate matter, or PM, isn’t just one contaminant or pollutant. It’s a range of particles of dust, dirt, and liquids that become suspended in the air. Find out the difference between PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 today.


Total VOCS

TVOCs are odors and chemicals emitted from many everyday products, including cleaners, paints and furniture, cosmetics, hobby products, cooking and even human breath.



CO2 is an invisible gas that ­comes from human breath. It can ­cause headaches, restlessness and drowsiness as well as ­affect ­decision-making skills. High ­levels are correlated to low productivity, absenteeism and infectious disease transmission.



Too much or too little humidity can affect allergies, asthma and cold or flu symptoms. When humidity levels are too high, mold and rot will occur. Low humidity levels cause static electricity, dry skin and hair, and increased susceptibility to colds and respiratory illness.



Indoor temperatures can affect performance, mood and comfort level. Individual sleep patterns are also affected by indoor air temperature.



Barometric pressure is the ­pressure given by the ­ atmosphere at any given point. It is known as the “weight of the air” and changes depending on your elevation, as well as weather patterns.

In numbers


Approximately 21,000 people in the US and 20,000 in the EU die from radon-related lung cancer every year.


Studies have found that levels of VOCs or airborne chemicals average 2 to 5 times higher indoors than outdoors.


An increase of 400ppm in CO2 caused cognitive function to decline by 21%, seriously impairing judgment and decision-making.

View Plus and app


Monitor indoor air quality

Making small changes to your every day habits can make a big impact on the health of your air. Take control of the air you breathe by monitoring indoor air quality in homes, schools, offices, and all other indoor spaces.

Our most popular products

View Plus

The most advanced smart air quality tech on the market measuring radon, particulate matter (PM), CO2, and more, plus a customizable display.
View Plus
View Plus €299

Wave Plus

The first battery-operated smart indoor air quality monitor with Radon detection, including sensors for temperature, air pressure, humidity, VOCs, and CO2.
Wave Plus
Wave Plus €229

Wave Radon

A smart radon detector with quick and accurate results on your smartphone.
Wave Radon
Wave Radon €189

Wave Mini

Now with mold risk indication! Wave Mini helps with asthma, allergies, sleep and overall health. The perfect first step to understanding health and comfort levels in any room.
Wave Mini
Wave Mini €79


Meet Corentium Home by Airthings, a simple to use, battery-operated radon gas detector with display.
Home €179


Complete the system. The Airthings Hub brings one or more devices online providing on-demand access to your indoor air quality (IAQ) data at anytime, from anywhere!
Hub €99